Starring: Chidi Mokeme, Mary Remmy Njoku, Blossom Chukwujekwu
An uptight woman that caught her fiancé cheating on her lets loose and sleeps with her boss.
Angela (Mary Njoku) is a virgin just waiting to get married to Paul (Blossom Chukwujekwu) but she caught him in bed with her cousin. She returned to work later that afternoon devastated. Harry, her boss, was sympathetic and offered her his guesthouse for the night.
Harry (Chidi Mokeme) had a reputation for being a player and as his secretary, Angela knew this first hand. But that didn’t stop her from landing in bed with him on the night that Paul flaunted his new girlfriend – her cousin, at a party.
Long story short, Angela ended things with Harry immediately because she didn’t want to be “one of his women” but unbeknownst to her, he had been harboring feelings for her all along. There was something about Angela that intrigued him and he just had to have her. They eventually got married only for the marriage to be on the rocks shortly after when something caused Angela to question the foundation of the relationship.
Let’s Talk. I almost passed on this movie until I noticed a little picture of Blossom Chukwujekwu on the DVD cover. I thought, “Hmm, let’s see what Chuk B is up to” and I purchased it. Yes, I call him Chuk B in my head (tee hee). It turned out to be a good decision because I enjoyed the movie.
It’s about an affair between a boss and his secretary. The conflict was in the fact that Angela let her guard down and slept with her boss, a womanizer. She regretted the decision believing she would be just another notch on his belt.
Something about the writing of the movie was fresh, logical, and real. Even the characters were well fleshed out. Let’s talk about the two main characters for a moment – Angela and Harry. The role of Harry was promiscuous while Angela was a virgin. Harry was a confident man and Angela was uptight. Harry had wealth and Angela was employed as his secretary. Clearly, the two were an unlikely couple.
What they had in common was that they were both damaged by love. Harry’s heart was broken by a former love and Angela never had the love of her parents. What’s funny is that they both had a little competition going on in their lives. Harry had a healthy relationship with his brother but the rivalry surfaced when it came to women. Angela was in similar situation at home in that as nerdy as she was, her voluptuous cousin envied her, and ultimately betrayed her.
Although I liked Harry and Angela individually I’m not so sure they made a steamy couple. Somehow I didn’t picture Angela as the woman that would bring playboy Harry to his knees. But you know what? I worked with it because the rapport between them worked. It can be a challenge to get characters that are opposites on paper to mesh onscreen so high five to the screenwriters on this.
There are some questions regarding the story. Angela found out from her best friend that she was set up. Where did her friend get the information? Also, there’s a subplot that dealt with Paul and Mabel (Uche Ogbodo). Last we saw them, Paul was spitting up blood. What ever became of him?
Performances? On the ball. Mary Remmy Njoku was believable playing the meek and insecure Angela and Chidi Mokeme was simply awesome. His character had so many layers – he had anger issues, he was controlling yet he played an office professional with a suave edge. He was excellent. Unfortunately we didn’t see enough of Blossom Chukwujekwu in the movie but his performance doesn’t disappoint.
Honestly, there’s nothing new about a boss sleeping with his secretary whether in real life or in film but somehow I came away from this movie feeling entertained. RECOMMEND
- Rated: PG-13
- Genre: Romantic Drama
- Release Date: 2014
- Directed by: Kabat Esosa Egbon
- Starring: Uche Ogbodo, Charles Billion, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Chidi Mokeme, Mary Remmy Njoku, Darlene Benson Cobham
- Written by: Darlene Benson Cobham
- Studio: ROK Studios
- Country: Nigeria
I actually watched dis movie as well nd it was great but didn’t watch what appended at d last part so am still searching for final part,,any idea whr I can get the full movie online already checked irokotv but it still not d full movie
That’s strange bc the movie I saw only had one part. What’s the last thing that happened in the movie that you watched? I’m not sure where you can purchase the DVD at this point.
I watched this movie n it thrilled me so much. I feel like watching it over n over n over…..
Ha! I know what you mean. It’s one of the few movies I would actually watch again too.
I will recommend this movie again and again. Maybe because it had some of my favorite characters but the story line was on point. I watched full movie on DSTV but looking for the DVD to buy. Great movie.
Hi Anne, this movie was a winner. Try http://www.africamovies.com to purchase. Sometimes they have hard to find movies. All the Best!
i have watched this film twice this week and i know i will still do
I hear you. This was a good one.
I’m an South African young woman I totally loved the movie more I have watched it twice on ROK but I can watch it an zillion time. Your other movies are very good but this one Mary it’s a winner and Harry did justice to the his character. Thank you. Where do we get full DVD in South Africa.
Hi Thandeka, I loved this movie too. As for DVD’s I’m not sure it’s still available since it is a 2014 movie. Maybe check http://www.africamovies.com. Sometimes they have older movies in stock.