Title: The President’s Daughter BEYONCE (1 & 2)
Starring: Nadia Buari, Jackie Appiah, Van Vicker, Yvonne Okoro
A man is caught between two women – one lives a modest life and the other is the President’s rich daughter.
Ciara (Jackie Appiah) came to Raj’s (Van Vicker) aid when he was robbed on the street. She disappeared and weeks later Raj tried to find her to thank her. By the time he ran into her again at a nightclub he had already developed deep feelings for her. They instantly became an item and planned to marry.
Raj later met Beyonce (Nadia Buari) in a supermarket. He was unaware that she was the President’s daughter and she was immediately attracted to him. When she learned of his engagement to Ciara she vowed to make Raj hers at any cost.
Let’s Talk. Man meets woman, man meets another woman, beds them both, but chooses only one. The jilted woman isn’t having it. Why? Because she’s the President’s daughter and she gets what she wants.
Beyonce (Nadia Buari) was rich, powerful, and spoiled. It didn’t matter that Raj didn’t love her. She wanted him and that was it! It’s sad that her level of self esteem didn’t match her status. She was royalty. She shouldn’t have to chase, buy, or murder to get a man. But if she had intellect we wouldn’t have had this movie.
The story took a turn down soap opera lane when Ciara had surgery and emerged as a completely different woman. Didn’t the US soap opera “As the World Turns” have this storyline once? And “One Life to Live?” (Sigh…) Ciara finally avenged her own death in the end…well, at least so we thought.
“The Return of Beyonce” was released and brought a new heap of drama. Beyonce lost her memory, her friends had an unnecessary feud, and lo and behold we finally got to meet the President.
The truth of the matter is that Beyonce’s return was a mistake. The sequel was all over the place and the series would have been better off had they just let the audience believe that Beyonce was dead in the original movie.
In terms of acting, almost everyone played their roles well, however, there were a few stiffs.
Ultimately, Beyonce is a highly entertaining movie. She’s the b*tch women love to hate. RECOMMEND
- Rated: R
- Genre: Drama
- Release Date: 2006
- Directed by: Frank Rajah Arase
- Starring: Jackie Appiah, Kalsoume Sinare, Van Vicker, Nadia Buari, Nikki Samonas, Yvonne Nelson, Yvonne Okoro, Gavivina Tamakloe, Fritz Baffour
- Written by: Phil Efe Bernard, Frank Rajah Arase, Pastor Obed
- Studio: Venus Films Productions
- Country: Ghana
Loved it. One of my favorite!
I watched this movie 3x. Those were the days
Good movie but the sequel wasn’t necessary.
Always loved this movie “Beyonce” got it yesterday also..it’s been quite some time back when I first saw this movie so it will be just like the first time all over again. Another one I needed for my collection and the good thing is all are originals…yeeess.
I remember how hooked I was to the screen the first time I saw this movie. At the end of the day it was a little on the soap opera side but still very captivating. One of the few that I’ve actually watched twice. And that says a lot.
This site is absolutely fabulous!
Thanks, Katrice!
Keep up the great work guyz.
Thanks, Kerri!
I really like the Beyonce movies and I would love to be sensed a link because I want to download it
I am currently building my Nollywood library because I find the stories entertaining. yes, some movies have bad sound and music and as a professional musician, I laugh at that however it doesn’t take away from my enjoyment. BTW, LOOOOOOOOVE Beyoncé the presidents daughter!!!