Title: BLOOD LINE (1 & 2)
Starring: Mary Remmy Njoku, Yvonne Nelson, Jose Tolbert, Paul Wilson
Sibling rivalry reaches its peak when two sisters become involved with the same man.
Anna (Mary Njoku) believed she was in a budding relationship with Cedric (Jose Tolbert) until she found out that he was dating Amber, her sister. It certainly didn’t help reduce the friction between the two women, which started at a young age. Anna always felt that Amber (Yvonne Nelson) was the family favorite and vice versa. Amber grew up to be a famous Nollywood actress while Anna lived a normal life.
Amber was actually engaged to Cedric and he was a wealthy man. Her father looked forward to their nuptials for its promised business connections.
Conflict set in when Amber was offered a role in a Hollywood movie and the job commenced on her wedding day. She couldn’t afford to lose the opportunity so she convinced Anna to stand in for her at her wedding. Anna was reluctant at first but then played the wife.
While in the line of work, there was a shooting of some sort and Amber was presumed dead. Back home, Anna continued to play Cedric’s wife in more ways than one and became pregnant. The two fell in love and the pieces of their lives came together until Amber reappeared six months later. Apparently she was kidnapped and later set free.
Amber expected to resume her relationship with Cedric but learned her sister was carrying his child. He had to come to a decision about which woman to choose and he concocted a plan to determine which of them really loved him.
Meanwhile, Amber lost some footing when it came to her career as many actresses were waiting to take her place in the industry. This opened the door to the subplot that touched on politics in the movie business.
Let’s Talk. This is a senseless drama about two sisters that were involved with the same man. Let’s start with the illogical. How is that Amber was engaged to Cedric and her own sister never met him? How is it that the family never met someone who was so important to Amber? Hmm…not very likely.
As for the wedding, how is it possible for someone to stand in for the bride? Whoever is reciting the vows is the one that’s being married. Period. Was the audience supposed to believe that it was Amber that was married to Cedric when she wasn’t even present at her own wedding?
And then it gets worse. Amber is presumed dead but reappears six months later to find her sister pregnant for her “husband.” Come on, people, is this a soap opera or a movie? The same nonsense happened in “Forgetting June.”
Needless to say, this movie was a total bust. The story set up dragged on and on was just lifeless. The storyline was uncreative and there was so much unnecessary dialogue. The subplot was about the ills of Nollywood. See Nollywood Wahala for a better representation of this topic.
The casting in the movie was off because Yvonne Nelson played the pretty sister and Mary Remmy was supposed to be runner up but Mary is just as pretty as Yvonne. A less attractive woman may have been more appropriate for the role of Anna.
Performances were okay although it really didn’t matter with such an inefficient script. Pascal Amanfo directed and he seems to be a hit or miss director these days. This one was an absolute miss. EJECT
- Genre: Romantic Drama
- Directed by: Pascal Amanfo
- Starring: Yvonne Nelson, Paul Wilson, Pascal Amanfo, Mary Remmy Njoku, Jose Tolbert, Tony Ramesh Lachman, Samantha Sanni, Samira Adams, Salim F. Hannawi, Michelle McKinny Hammond
- Written by: Michael Akwasi Amponsah
- Studio: Venus Films Productions
- Country: Ghana
Am proud Of Africans
Yes, they’re really keeping the industry alive.
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