Starring: Van Vicker, Nadia Buari, Ecow Smith Asante
A blind woman falls in love with a man that suddenly disappears from her life only to return at a later date to find her engaged to his best friend.
Kayla (Nadia Buari), a blind woman, met Charles by chance. There was an instant connection between them and shortly after, they fell in love.
Charles (Van Vicker) wanted Kayla to regain her sight and he generously paid for the surgery. The surgery was a success and on the day Kayla was to actually see Charles for the first time, he disappeared from her life. She waited for him at the hospital but he never showed.
Kayla subsequently became involved with Ken (Ekow Smith Asante), who was Charles’ best friend. Conflict surfaced when Charles reappeared after a long absence and couldn’t pick things up with Nadia where he last left off.
Let’s Talk. “Darkness of Sorrow” is a romantic drama about a blind woman’s love for a man she never actually saw. Their romance progressed fairly quickly and when Charles disappeared from her life it was because he was beat up and presumed dead. Months later he reappeared in a hospital having been in a coma.
When Kayla finally saw Charles for the first time ever she was engaged Ken (Smith Asante) who was Charles’ best friend. It wasn’t possible for her to recognize Charles visually but she did remember his voice and more importantly, his spirit. Charles denied that he knew her as to not interfere with her union with Ken.
Charles later confessed that he was the man Kayla once loved and although they still loved each other they decided to keep their past relationship in the dark for Ken’s sake.
As for comments, unfortunately, there were some holes in the story. Even though Charles and Ken were supposedly best friends, their relationship was hardly displayed in the movie which made the friendship feel convenient for story purposes. If they were best friends then how come Ken didn’t know that Charles was once engaged to Kayla? Also, it’s not clear why Charles moved into the house with Ken and Kayla. He had his own home prior to being attacked.
Furthermore, when Kayla suspected Charles was lying about his identity and then tried to find out more about him, why didn’t she just ask Ken? After all he was Charles’ best friend and he could have answered all of her questions.
As for performances, for the most part they were satisfactory. Nadia Buari’s interpretation of a blind woman was believable in spurts. Van Vicker played his part well and Ini Edo was credible playing Ken’s callous ex-girlfriend.
By the way, the music in this movie was great and was carefully selected so that the mood of each scene was appropriately conveyed. Overall, this is a romantic classic. RECOMMEND
- Rated: R
- Genre: Drama, Romantic Drama
- Release Date: 2008
- Directed by: Frank Rajah Arase
- Starring: Kalsoume Sinare, Van Vicker, Nadia Buari, Kofi Adjorlolo, Ini Edo, Ecow Smith Asante
- Written by: Kingsley Sam Obed
- Studio: Venus Films Productions
- Country: Ghana
I love to watch that movie…it is really a romantic movie which was acted very well
I enjoyed it too. The chemistry between Nadia and Van Vicker works and the movie is definitely a fan favorite.
Hi Philemon,
I’m not sure what parts of the movie you watched but Darkness of Sorrow has 3 parts and the 3rd part resolves the story. Did you see it online or do you have the DVD?
I really love this movie, it’s so touching and romantic and I just can’t get enough of it.
Hi Sam, I think it’s time for Nadia Buari and Van Vicker to star in another love story. People really love their chemistry. I was right when I labeled this movie a classic. I’m sure the filmmakers must be proud to know that this movie has been loved for so many years. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
I luv darkness of sorrow, everytime i watch it, it seems new n stil interestin 2watch. Especially seeing CK n Kayla. I just cnt get enough of it. When wil we c part 3 until…
It’s amazing that this movie has remained so popular for so long. People never forget a movie that touched them. As for a sequel to Darkness of Sorrows, I am not aware of any at this time.
Hi Lebohang,
Yes, the chemistry between Nadia and Van Vicker worked. Darkness of Sorrow has 3 parts and the 3rd part concludes the story.
Darkness of Sorrow has 3 parts. The FULL story in DVD format is available for sale online at
http://www.africanmoviesmall.com/ViewProduct.asp?ModelNumber=SE-072 for as long as supplies last.
Hope this helps. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & visit again.
I love watch ck and kayla’s movie. I really wanted to watch part 3.
I love this movie.please help me to find part 3.
What happened at the end of the movie that you watched? I would like to compare it to my copy of the movie that has three parts.
I really like to watched the whole completed and ending part of this movie. Very interesting and well done. I have only watch part 1 but 2 and 3 not yet seen…could there be any ways I can get this 2 parts?2 & 3..
Hi Jacklyne, this movie is a fan favorite. Try this link to purchase the entire movie.
I really love this move but I want to know the ending part of it. Who is going to marry Kayla? CK or Ken.
Hi Gabi, based on comments there’s some sort of confusion about the story. I don’t remember the ending because I watched it so long ago. I will have to see it again to tell you.
owww i love this movie ck n kyler u d ur best part 3 i do not hv
Hi Zameka, it may be that the distributor of the movie I purchased broke the DVD into 3 parts and maybe distributors in other parts of the world divided it into 2 parts. That’s the only thing I can conclude after so many complaints from people who believe they are missing part 3. The industry needs to be more consistent with the marketing of movies.
Is there any other site that I can get the all three parts of the movie
Not that I know of. In terms of purchasing a DVD, it’s an old movie and most likely out of circulation. Try some of the movie steaming sites or Youtube.
Pls were can I see the full part 2 Pls I only wch part 1pls can some body tell me
I don’t understand whose wife will Kayla be at the end?
Hi Martin, it sounds like you are yet another person who is missing the last part of the movie. So sorry about that.
Nice film
waooh, nice movie.
so fantastic,it creates luv in ma hrt.Kip de ball rolling.
itx amazing film that reminds ppl to value those with disabillities and also to respct marriage
Yep, sometimes we need to be reminded.
Pls, where can i find d part 3 of d movie (sorrows of darkness) bcos d film tortches me spiritually. Most especially d love between keyla and ck or charles (van vicker and nadia buari) in fact it barfles me becos it seems to b real, please tell me where to find d end part of the movie so that i will be complete mindedly. thanks!
My God! The chemistry between Mr Vicker and Miss Buary is completely out of this world, even today I just can’t get enough of these two wow! This is indeed a breath taking love story and it teaches so much about true love and how it can conquor all odds
Hi Sammy. This is one movie that seems to have staying power and yes, Van and Nadia indeed have amazing chemistry. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Pls can somebody tell me wheather there part 3 of this film?
I also love the movie n is interestg pakalast… Love the actors all, wish them the best in life.@