Starring: Damilola Adegbite, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Chris Attoh
A florist on a mission to get married enlists the help of a famous actor to manipulate her boyfriend into a proposal.
Movie Trailer Courtesy of Chris Attoh
Kemi (Damilola Adegbite) runs her family’s flower shop. The store provides bouquets for special occasions and Kemi hoped her special day would come sooner than later. She had been expecting Umar (Chris Attoh) to pop the question but he always procrastinated for one reason or another.
On the evening Kemi thought he would propose, he broke up with her instead. Of course she was heart broken but she was unaware that true love was about to hit her up, both physically and figuratively.
Kemi met film actor, Tunde (Blossom Chukwujekwu) when he accidentally hit her with his car. While she recuperated in his home she mentioned her love woes. Since Tunde was concerned about his image, he got Kemi to tell the press his version of the car accident and in return he promised to help her get her boyfriend back.
Tunde sent Kemi to his people for a make over. With a new hairstyle and outfit she looked great and Tunde unexpectedly became attracted to her. The next thing we know, Kemi and Tunde were on the front page of a gossip magazine and it ruffled a few feathers. The photos did not please Tunde’s girlfriend and she made it her business to see that Umar moonwalked his way back into Kemi’s life.
Kemi finally got her wish when Umar proposed but on her wedding day she realized she was no longer in love with him.
Let’s Talk. This movie is a nice blend of romance and comedy. Kemi is one of those women that was determined to get married by any means necessary. It turned out that she was in love with love, and not Umar.
The minute Kemi and Tunde met it was pretty obvious where the story was headed. The two were attracted to each other but the conflict was that Tunde had a girlfriend and Kemi supposedly wanted to marry Umar. With a few fights between the opposing men and women the movie came off as a bit formulaic but guess what? It still worked because we wanted Kemi and Tunde to be together.
The movie is blessed with two competent actors in Damilola Adegbite and Blossom Chukwujekwu. And if they’re not enough there’s Stella (Bikiya Graham) who elevated all the scenes she was in with an over the top personality.
What’s odd about the story was that Tunde got away with not taking Kemi to the hospital after the accident. There was blood in the scene where she fell so this aspect put a small dent in the movie. And by the way, why is Blossom Chukwujekwu always playing a character that takes people home with him? He took home a baby in Finding Mercy, and personally took care of an accident victim in Forgetting June. I’m sure it’s all coincidental, however it is a little strange…in a humorous way. 🙂
As for technicalities, the lighting in some of the scenes was not the best. In terms of acting, it was pretty good. Blossom Chukwujekwu played a movie star and it was most likely easy for him to do so because he is one. He brought an air of fame and charisma to the role that was believable.
Damilola Adegbite is a fantastic actress in general. Here she played a romantic lead but she brought a certain quirky almost clumsy nuance to the role that made her character someone we haven’t seen before. The characters in the story were relatable and the chemistry between Kemi and Tunde is what made the movie fly.
“Flower Girl” is a romance that borders on fantasy where a local florist meets a movie star and marries him but that’s okay because that’s why we watch movies – to escape reality for an hour or two. It’s one of those “feel good movies” and it succeeded in doing just that. RECOMMEND
- Rated: PG-13
- Genre: Romantic Comedy
- Release Date: 2013
- Directed by: Michelle Bello
- Starring: Chris Attoh, Damilola Adegbite, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Bikiya Graham-Douglas, Eku Edewor
- Written by: Jigi Bello
- Studio: Blue Star Entertainment
- Country: Nigeria
I would like to buy the DVD FLOWER GIRL directed by Michelle Bello. Any idea where I can get some rare and good African movies like this one?
Hi Phillippa, here’s the link to purchase FLOWER GIRL and others. http://www.africanmoviesmall.com/ViewProduct.asp?ModelNumber=FLOWER
Where can I purchase a copy of the DVD if I live in South Africa?
Hi Nyeleti, I’m not familiar with African movie distributors in South Africa. I do know that the African Movies Mall website has it in stock. Here’s the link to purchase. http://www.africanmoviesmall.com/ViewProduct.asp?ModelNumber=FLOWER Also, here’s their email address in case you need to contact them. rabiu@mac.com. I’m not sure if they have limitations on where they ship to. Wishing you the best.
You can also stream Flower Girl on Demand Africa https://watch.demandafrica.com/