Starring: Yvonne Nelson, John Dumelo, Kofi Adjorlolo
Cassie is a young hustler with money on her mind but runs into problems when her sugar daddy suspects she’s seeing someone else.
Cassie’s agenda is to be rich. She’s not above prostituting, stealing, and swindling to keep her purse filled. But to her credit, her mother was ill and cash was needed to help foot the medical expenses.
Cassie was lucky enough to meet Honorable Jayke (Kofi Adjorlolo). He was married but wealthy and powerful. Jayke gave her everything she desired, including a house, but more importantly, his heart. But Cassie had become fond of his son, Greg (John Dumelo), and that’s where the chaos started.
Let’s Talk. Drama, drama, drama. Yvonne Nelson played Cassie, a bad girl that loved material things. Her number one career was to dupe people out of their hard earned cash.
A love triangle ensued with Cassie, her boyfriend, and his father, and just like in real life, things didn’t end well. This turn of events brought the twist to the story and kept the drama alive.
As for characterization, Cassie got intimately involved with Greg (John Dumelo), completely aware that he was her sugar daddy’s son. This exposed her lack of judgment and she ultimately wound up in jail but not because of her own misdeeds. But hey, flawed characters are always best.
As for notable errors, there’s a scene where Cassie’s sister shot her uncle. There was no blood anywhere in the room. In another scene, Cassie was supposedly making love with Greg and not only was his underwear still very much on , it could be seen in the mirror above the bed …believable sex faces though.
At the end of day, ‘Material Girl’ was an entertaining movie. It had sort of an abrupt ending but a redeemed Cassie was necessary in order to feel a sense of closure. RECOMMEND
- Rated: R
- Genre: Drama
- Release Date: 2009
- Directed by: Frank Rajah Arase
- Starring: Yvonne Nelson, John Dumelo, Kofi Adjorlolo, Soraya Kukubor Mensah
- Written by: Phil Efe Bernard
- Studio: Venus Films Productions
- Country: Ghana
Heeyy with me movies like this one will never grow old..just ordered this one today original copy.
I agree. Loved Material Girl.
Gonna be a good day..got my movies this morning “Material Girl”.
So cool that you were still able to get this movie. It’s a keeper.
Yea I started watching it this morning..all around great production.
Awww man this movie has it all comedy..drama..suspense and some make you wanna grab your tissue moments. I remember watching this move back when it came out on a crappy youtube channel..nothing like viewing these movies on a big screen with surround sound also this movie has the same haunting soundtrack type song as in the movie “Dirty Secrets” both done by Austine Erowele..always on track with the music..big ups also to the storyline..lighting..direction everything on point. TalkAfricanMovies thanks for bringing this movie to my attention again. Right about now I’m gonna feast on a Rib-Eye steak..baked beans and continue my journey with the movie “Ola”..yeess.
JJ, you are so welcome. Sometimes I’m sitting in my office when I read your comments and you just make me smile. Thanks for brightening up my day. I think it’s important that the older movies are not forgotten bc some of them were really good stories. Make sure you don’t lend your DVD to anyone. Keep it safe for your collection.
Heeyy TalkAfricanMovies hope all is well ok what is there to like out there? nothing beat the old movies and I found a site that has sooo many of the classics all original copy’s and I am in a buying frenzy but I will buy a new movie if I get a good review but it’s just something about the older movies.