Starring: Jackie Appiah, Toosweet Annan, Paulina Oduro, Paul Wilson
A young man is increasingly disturbed by his mother’s behavior and her insistence on removing his girlfriend from his life.
This is a preposterous story about a woman who married and then killed her husband all in the name of money.
Wendy (Paulina Oduro) married the Honorable Duncan Ransford over 30 years ago. Six years into the marriage she hadn’t produced a child and she faked a pregnancy. She later stole a baby and pretended she gave birth to keep up with her lie. She named the baby Timothy (Toosweet Annan) and Duncan believed the baby was his heir.
Dr. Ray (Paul Wilson) was the family doctor and he was in cahoots with Wendy to have Duncan killed in order to get their hands on his fortune. It turns out that Duncan bequeathed his fortune to his “son” Timothy but he wasn’t entitled to it until his thirtieth birthday. Wendy was also named a beneficiary as long as she had not remarried.
After waiting almost three decades for Timothy to turn thirty, Dr. Ray grew impatient and demanded his share of the pie. Timothy was then twenty-seven and was living a normal life, unaware of the details. He was happily dating Sandy (Jackie Appiah), a nurse that he met at the hospital. His mother was apparently jealous of the love between the two.
The story became ludicrous when we learned that Wendy was in love with her son, Timothy. At some point during Timothy’s life he was hypnotized and he married to her. Yes, you read correctly. Sigh… Timothy later learned of his mother’s misdeeds and had a few tricks up his sleeve.
Let’s Talk. At the end of the day this story sounds like it could have been juicy but it was poorly executed. Writer/Director, Kensteve Anuka, appeared to be going for conspiracy but it came off as a concocted drama that lacked depth. Some of the dialogue was silly and the entire movie just didn’t connect.
To name some of the nagging faults, there’s a picture of a Mercedes Benz on the hospital wall where Sandy worked. What does Mercedes have to do with providing care? Hospital walls are normally decorated with plaques, fine art, or something medical or community related. If this positioning was due to product placement (advertising) it was a poor choice of placement. Also, the movie doesn’t share what illness Sandy was initially treating Timothy for.
The acting in this movie actually felt like “acting“ and there was no standout performance.
For some of Kensteve Anuka’s better productions, see “Crazy Scandal”, “The Mad Dog” or “Queen’s Pride.” Unfortunately “More than Crazy” isn’t one of his best. EJECT
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- Rated: PG
- Genre: Drama
- Release Date: 2013
- Directed by: Kensteve Anuka
- Starring: Jackie Appiah, Paul Wilson, Paulina Oduro, Toosweet Annan, Meg Faridan
- Written by: Kensteve Anuka
- Studio: Blackgold Entertainment Productions
- Country: Ghana
What’s the name of the song that played in this movie, I truly enjoyed it
Hi PorchM, I don’t have song information. Check the ending movie credits.